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European Entrepreneurship Forum: convergență și coeziune

Europa are nevoie de un nou suflu antreprenorial. Este evident faptul că antreprenoriatul și dezvoltarea întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii sunt piloni ai prosperității și competitivității pentru Uniunea Europeană. Însă responsabilitatea în politicile economice are de suferit de pe urma tentațiilor și deciziilor populiste, care nu ajută deloc la rezolvarea problemelor reale cu care se confruntă economiile contemporane.

Acesta este contextul în care am sprijinit organizarea, la Palatul Cotroceni, sub Înaltul Patronaj al Președintelui României, a evenimentului intitulat European Entrepreneurship Forum, la inițiativa Consiliului Național al Întreprinderilor Private Mici și Mijlocii din România, eveniment care a beneficiat de susținerea SMEunited și a Grupului Angajatorilor din Comitetul Economic și Social European.

În prezența Președintelui României, a fost semnat documentul programatic privind susținerea antreprenoriatului, intitulat generic “Declarația de la București”, care își propune să constituie baza unui proces aprofundat de dezbatere cu privire la viitorul antreprenorial al României și Uniunii, ca angajament pe termen lung care să contribuie la consolidarea pieței unice europene.

Am fost onorat să deschid sesiunea de dezbateri a acestui eveniment:


“Ladies and gentlemen, Dear guests,

Dear European friends, dear friends of Romania,

It is my great pleasure to open the debates of the European Entrepreneurship Forum, event organized under the High Patronage of the President of Romania.

The signing of the Bucharest Declaration represents an important milestone on the road to delivering a new perspective to support entrepreneurship and SME’s in the European Union.

Entrepreneurship and the vital role it plays for our prosperity are top economic priorities for the Presidency of Romania. President Iohannis has been a longstanding promoter of entrepreneurship, as the engine of a dynamic and innovative Romanian economy.

It is our objective to contribute to the development of the Romanian business environment, to facilitate the dialogue with the entrepreneurial sector and to promote the best business practices.

The economic development of Romania in the last decades owes much to our entrepreneurial sector, that – as we well know – had to practically start from scratch after the fall of communism.

After a long and difficult transition, today, like our EU neighbours from Central and Eastern Europe, Romania has become a market economy, part of the Single European market.

While free enterprise, capitalism and democracy are sometimes taken for granted in the present, we should always be ready to defend the role the free market plays in the future of our prosperity.

Dear guests,

We welcome the ideas being put forward in the today’s Declaration.

It is essential to exploit the digital and innovation revolution, and to develop supplimentary mechanisms to classic bank-related finance for SME’s, like the stock-market.

Moreover, supporting young and women entrepreneurs to start their own business has the potential to unlock valuable resources of creativity and talent.

Also, I want to highlight the major but sometimes overlooked role played by Crafts and SME’s in fostering the development of our rural areas.

In this field of the regional development, the valuable lesson of the last decade is that economic convergence and social cohesion should be seen as the two sides of the same coin, which is the sustainable economic growth.

In this regard, we recognize that SMEs need more than ever to be taken into account when it comes to the strategic decisions regarding the future. Our policies should be able to respond to a number of key questions about the regulations of the competitive market, finance and access to international markets for the European enterprises.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to invite you now to make the best of this occasion, to promote an open platform for debates, involving the relevant stakeholders in the business community and governments around Europe.

We congratulate again the Romanian National Council of SME’s for this initiative, that benefits from the valuable support of the SME United and the Employers group of the European Economic and Social Committee.

It is our hope that this presidential setting we have prepared for you today will encourage a lively and fruitful debate about our entrepreneurial future!

We want to assure you of the ongoing support of the Presidential Administration in all your initiatives and endeavours, in respect to the necessary vision of a competitive entrepreneurial economy.

So, I wish you a great productive day, here, at the Cotroceni Palace!

Thank you very much! “

Deschiderea European Entrepreneurship Forum a beneficiat de discursul Președintelui României, mesaj adresat mediului de afaceri din România și Uniunea Europeană.

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